
Our story

The major project that the foundation wants to realize is an orphanage in Ouarzazate in the south of Morocco. In this orphanage, children who have to do without their parents will be raised into strong and independent adults who are able to take a fully-fledged place in society. We are currently looking for a suitable piece of land to build this orphanage. In addition, the foundation's team is developing a concept plan that clearly shows which resources and activities will be deployed.

What do we do

The orphans receive the support they need to cope with life in a well-equipped way as soon as they are ready. At the moment, a number of orphans are being considered who can stay in the orphanage at the same time.

There will also be a guest room for teachers and space for sporting activities.

The children will not only be taught about knowledge and skills that are offered in regular education, but also about matters that they will need to be able to lead a family later on, things that they did not receive from home, but that are essential for their success in society. To ensure that they have the widest possible range of future opportunities, regular outings will be organized so that they get to know the bigger world outside their village and can also develop relationships with people from other regions as they grow up.

To make all this possible, the foundation is already designing a suitable building that will accommodate all children and activities that the orphanage wants to accommodate.

This is of course important, as it will help us to choose the right terrain and location.

There are good connections with the people from the village and they are already looking for a suitable location for the orphanage, which is really in great need.

The founders and other team members of the Foundation discovered this situation during their visit to the village and finally took it to heart that this project was born.

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